

A first generation college student, Kawkab Alzaman interned at the prestigious Parallax Group at just 14 years old, during her final year at the University of LA.. Despite her plans to go directly to medical school, Parallax Group enticed her with an irresistible offer to work alongside Dr. Lia Quasar, the leading plasmic energy researcher at the company. The package included a significant salary increase, equity in the company’s token market, and, most importantly, a life-changing sign-on bonus that would take care of her parents and siblings. Kawkab relocated her parents and siblings to a luxurious mansion in Las Vegas, thousands of miles closer and thousands of square feet bigger than their shack in Cleveland, Ohio. At least she would be able to see them every once in a while if time permitted.

But time never permitted. Within a year, Kawkab made groundbreaking advancements in plasmic energy research, and Parallax kept her on a tight leash, offering little time off but compensating her handsomely. A decade later, as Dr. Quasar prepared for retirement, Parallax unveiled their master plan for Kawkab. They had been grooming her to become a specialist and tactician, utilizing plasmic energy to aid operators in Parallax Group's elite special operations force. Naturally, this new role came with an even more enticing package.

Embracing the change, she adopted the name "Chronos", and hasn’t looked back. Her expertise in plasmic energy weapons and tools remains unrivaled making her the ideal specialist in this cutting-edge field—a field she helped shape through her innovative research.

Ability: Sharpshooter

Deal 200% basic damage to a single opponent. [Single-use]

Hit Points
Gadget Slots
Parallax Group Logo

Faction: Parallax Group

2-operator effect: All operators on your team gain +40% Explosive Resist, and all Operators on the opposing team receive -25% Explosive Resist
3-operator effect: All operators on your team gain +60% Explosive Resist, and all Operators on the opposing team receive -50% Explosive Resist and lose their foremost Active Gadget