

Haruki Saito was a potter in Japan’s serene countryside. His gentle hands molding delicate creations that mirrored his peaceful spirit. He lived a humble life with his wife and later, his joy and most delicate creation yet, his daughter Yumi. After his wife contracted the Hanami Virus, she begged Haruki to move Yumi out of Japan for a chance at a better life where there were more opportunities. After she died, he kept his promise to his wife and moved himself and Yumi to LA in hopes of a brighter future.

However, opportunities did not abound, and life was hard for them in the first several years after the move. Bearing the weight of his promise, he kept going, looking for opportunity until he found the Minosaki Clan. The clan was as full of thugs and thieves as it was like-minded, peaceful individuals, just looking for a new start in LA. Hiro Minosaki, leader of the clan, recruited him directly, seeing much of himself in the young, single father.

Hiro came and Hiro went, but Haruki remained. The Minosaki Clan provided a relatively stable life for Yumi, exactly what Haruki’s wife wished for on her deathbed. Despite the gruesome and violent crimes the clan required Haruki to commit, he anchored his peace in the fact that he was providing a future for his daughter. Like the pottery he would mend with gold, he made beauty out of a broken situation under the promise of a better life for his daughter. Thus, he became known as Kintsugi of the Minosaki Clan.

Ability: Team Heal

At the end of each turn, restore the health of all living allies by 4% of Kintsugi's max health. [Passive]

Hit Points
Gadget Slots
Minosaki Clan Logo

Faction: Minosaki Clan

2-operator effect: All operators on your team gain +75 Health
3-operator effect: All operators on your team gain +150 Health