

SERAPH, or Strategic Enhancement & Recovery Ally Performance Hub, is a remarkable feat of Parallax Groups venture into AI and robotics. Created to be the ultimate combat support unit, SERAPH is equipped with the most advanced combat enhancement protocol. She is capable of providing armor boosts and critical care to her allies in the heat of battle.

SERAPH was designed by an elite team of robotic and AI engineers. Corporations and factions outside of Parallax Group have seldom heard of her unless they’ve met her in combat. She remains a secret project for the most part so that opposing forces can’t utilize her design in their own operations.

The secret to the project’s success was giving her a degree of autonomy and self-cognition, allowing her to live a “normal” life as opposed to being a slave for a corporation, as most AI are. Because of her autonomy, she can adapt her tactics fluidly, in a near human capacity, as she has the practice with everyday problem solving skills most AI lack.

Ability: Fortify

At the start of heist, create a shield to absorb 150 damage on the ally directly in front of this operator. If no allies are in front of this operator, creates the shield on self instead. [Instant]

Hit Points
Gadget Slots
Parallax Group Logo

Faction: Parallax Group

2-operator effect: All operators on your team gain +40% Explosive Resist, and all Operators on the opposing team receive -25% Explosive Resist
3-operator effect: All operators on your team gain +60% Explosive Resist, and all Operators on the opposing team receive -50% Explosive Resist and lose their foremost Active Gadget